implementation of the Custom Toggles of the
StatusBar - or Tiles, as they were known
later - for the CM ROMs. Written both the
toggles code and the customization one for
both Android 4.0 and 5.0.
Android custom ROM developer:
Ported several LineageOS based ROMs to the Xiaomi MIX 2 device before LineageOS dev - which later included some of these changes-, fixing several issues including camera, leds, proximity sensor, etc. Also, created custom navigation gestures similar to those of iPhone X or early MIUI 10 ROMs and added it to those ROMs: video demo.
Also, I 'tweaked' AOSP's GPS internals to report mocked GPS locations as real ones to play Pokemon Go.
IntelliJ IDEA
I have written
several plugins:
- Plugin for Otto eventbus library on
Groovy code.
- Plugin for SwissKnife event method
generation based on annotations.
- Plugin for Groovy overriding and
implementation method autocompletion
for Groovy language.
This last plugin was later
into IntelliJ Community Edition.
Library written
in and for Groovy,
- Allows you to inject Views and
Events à
la ButterKnife.
- Use of @OnMainThread and
@OnBackground annotations to
automatically execute a method either
synchronous or asynchronously as in
- @SaveInstance and @Parcelable
annotations to generate Parcelable
objects from POJOs automatically and
save and restore them on Activities or
- @Extra and @FragmentArg annotations
to automatically parse Intent extras
and Fragment arguments.
Custom LayoutManager built to always fill every gap in a grid layout, based on a published paper's result. See on Github.
Port of JSoup library to Swift. Includes an HTTP client, HTML parser and CSS and XPath selector feature, among other features. It's used on the 'Embolsados' app. See on Github.
Embolsados iOS:
iOS counterpart of the Android's Embolsados app. It allows interim candidates to check their position on several public job banks and be notified when this changes. App Store link.
Library to launch operations on the main thread or on a background
one on a simple and fast way, and can be used along with ExecutorServices when complex asynchronism is needed.
ART Player:
Development of the Android app ART Player, a plugin-based music player
which let you stream and/or download songs from services such as Grooveshark or Youtube. First, it was build using AIDL for managing the connection with the plugins, then it was updated to use BroadcastReceivers.
SayCheese is an OSX Swift app which takes screenshots of your whole
screen or just a región and lets you upload it to imgur, either anounymously or using your account. It was developed on the same week Swift language was presented.